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Weather Proofing Your Apartment

Most people know how important it is to prepare our apartment for winter weather. Just as important is this time of year, when we're often dealing with conditions Michiganders know too well: where it can range from 20 degrees and snowing to 60 degrees and sunny or rainy all within the same week.

While we wait for Spring to truly start in earnest, and the weather to (somewhat) even out, it can be a challenge to protect our apartments from the wide range of conditions.

Luckily, there are a few simple things you can do to keep your apartment looking its best no matter whether it's raining, or the sun is blazing outside.

Rainy Days

We'll be seeing plenty of rain in the coming months as we get ready for the Spring flowers to bloom. This can be a great excuse to curl up in your apartment with a nice cup of tea, but it can also be a cause for muddy floors or stuffy rooms as the weather keeps you from being able to open your windows. You'll want to clean and dust regularly to prevent any sort of build-up that can cause problems later.

Snowy Days

Unfortunately, there's still a good chance that we have a little bit of snow left in the forecast. When that happens, you'll want to remove your shoes as soon as you enter the apartment, to keep from tracking salt inside. You may also need to clean the floors a bit more.

During sudden freezes, pipes can be damaged. Running your taps can keep this from happening, but if you notice anything concerning, you'll want to call maintenance immediately.

Humid Days

During hot, humid days, staying inside can feel stifling. Here are some tips on keeping your apartment cool during a heat wave: keep the air in your apartment flowing, and avoid cooking using a stovetop. You can also open your windows on clear nights to ventilate and keep things from getting too stuffy. This will help prevent any sort of water damage or build-up in your unit.

Sunny Days

Clear days are a great opportunity to go out and soak up the sunlight! But there are a few things you'll want to do to keep your apartment safe and cool. Keeping shades drawn will help avoid any sort of fading or damage. This is especially important during the early afternoon, where the sun is highest in the sky.

At the same time, these warmer days may allow us to open up our windows for some much needed fresh air and a chance to "air out" stuffy rooms from the long winter months.

No matter what the weather is, you can keep your apartment feeling homey and comfortable!

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