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Cleaning Your Apartment After A Vacation

With autumn just around the corner, now is the time to schedule any last-minute trips and enjoy the final weeks of summer before the cold weather sets in. But while time away from our home is needed, extended time away from any home can leave the air feeling stale or in need of a little extra TLC.

Luckily, there are plenty of things you can do to clean your home when you return from a vacation away.

A Little Planning Goes a Long Way. There are things you can do before your vacation to minimize the cleaning you have to do when you come home. Make sure your fridge is clear of anything that will go bad while you're away, vacuum before leaving, and change your sheets before you head out, so you can come home to a fresh bed.

Open Your Windows. The best way to get things back to normal is to get fresh air circulating. Open your windows, and get some fresh air moving in your home. Depending on how warm it is when you return, you may want to consider opening your windows at night to keep things from getting too hot inside.

Dust and Sweep. Even though you've been gone, dust will still accumulate on surfaces while you're away. When you get home, a thorough dusting can help remove some of the staleness in the air, and get things feeling fresh again.

Clean Fabrics. Couches and rugs can sometimes hold onto smells. If you find your home still needs a little extra love, giving these a shampoo might be a good way to get rid of any lingering staleness.

Disinfect Your Bathroom. Bathrooms are also a good place to tackle after a long time spent away. Give your shower and toilet a scrub, and keep an eye out for any mold. If you left towels hanging, throw them in the laundry, and consider changing out the bath mat as well.

These simple things will go a long way toward maintaining where you live and help ensure that your memories of a long or short trip away are as fresh as your home.

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